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Cast your minds back 12 months and Harrogate was host to one of the greatest cycling spectacles this country has ever seen. In fact, many claimed this great small town had perhaps hosted one of the most memorable Grand Depart ever.


Fast forward 12 months and we’ve had a plethora of quotes about creating a cycling legacy from various key folk, however the reality might not quite be so positive. It seems recent action taken by Harrogate Borough Council have taken us from this


fan park


to this




The legacy, it seems, might be long forgotten.


The area in question is our beloved Stray that surrounds much of the town.It either provides a direct route or scenic backdrop for the vast majority of commuters. Before we go on, North Yorkshire Cycling wholeheartedly agrees that these paths are 100% not suitable for ‘club runs’ or fast moving riders. They are however absolutely perfect for children and every day commuters.


Without speaking to the Council directly we can only assume the none too subtle reinforcement of restrictions on cycling on the paths around the Stray has followed a number of complaints from pedestrians. But really, is the answer to ban cyclists and push them on to the dangerous and woefully inadequate (from a cycling perspective) public roads? Let us ask you this, if residents complain about cars driving too fast down a road do you ban cars on that road? Of course not as that would be stupid. Just like banning courteous cyclists from certain suitable paths like this is perhaps not the most productive strategy to implement.


A cycle friendly Harrogate?


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These hideous painted signs might as well just say ‘not welcome’


There will always be those idiots who link every talk of cycling and cyclists back to  lycra clad weekend warriors and leisure riders, however in 10 years of cycling around Harrogate we cannot ever recall these narrower paths being used by anything other than town commuters and children.


So what does this actually mean? Well take a look at the picture below. We think you will agree this activity is probably not harming anyone.



(note; the chap in the photo only supports children and gentle commuting on these paths and not idiots racing like they are in a one day classic. We agree 100% with him)


Photographed just last night with parent permission, this child was innocently learning to ride a bike on a path marked at both ends ‘no cycling’. The Stray is the place many kids learnt and continue to learn to ride. it provides a safe environment and has no real impact on other path users. How sad this is a scene Harrogate Borough Council are clearly keen to get rid of.


It also means more cyclists on the roads. Is that a bad thing? Well in a town that still has no tolerance for cyclists on the roads then possibly yes, as it will eventually drive those who are less confident to stop altogether and discourage others from starting. There is already a belief in Britain that cycling is an inherently dangerous leisure activity rather than a viable form of urban transport. Harrogate Council do not seem keen to challenge that.


3yr old learning to ride a bike – No Cycling

Mother riding with a toddler on her bike – No Cycling

Every day folk gently commuting away from busy traffic – No Cycling


It’s a sad day indeed when we discourage youngsters to ride a bike by removing the safe places for them to do so. Perhaps this is the legacy the Council really meant? We don’t  believe they did, but it’s time for Harrogate Borough Council to put its money where its mouth is and start embracing cycling. It must stop giving in to bitter folk that have nothing better to do than scowl at and complain about people having fun or trying to live a healthier life.


Now in an attempt to see both side of the coin, we appreciate that in some places it’s hard for cyclists and pedestrians to commute together in harmony, and in some cases cyclists don’t exactly conduct themselves in a sensible manner, but is it really that hard to come to a better solution than ‘No Cycling’? Give us a call HBC, we have plenty of much better ideas to help make Harrogate safer for both cyclists and pedestrians.


“but they have provided cycle lanes so why don’t you use them?” was a recent comment. Take a look at this picture taken last night




We’re not sure how cyclists are supposed to use this lane.


This happens pretty much every night and the Council does nothing to stop it. You give us cycling lanes and then let motorists park in them! Hardly the actions of a Council embracing cycling. Come on guys is this really the Harrogate you want? We hope not.


Think on, if they do nothing what will be next? As a regular runner (and quite a slow one at that) I frequently overtake cyclists on these paths – does that mean running will also soon be banned? The other day a pedestrian moaned at me at because my 1 month old baby boy’s pram was in their way – will walking with prams also soon be banned?


We are not saying the problem can be fixed overnight, but banning cycling on paths that should encourage cycling is not a step forward, it’s a massive step back and confirms one thing – Harrogate is not, currently, cycling friendly. And when you consider that the district reportedly benefited by visitor spending in excess of £19m over the 3 days of the Tour De France last year, that is really embarrassing. This post will likely be viewed by over 10,000 people, so let’s hope that includes those who can make changes happen.